equals, hashCode

These two methods are designed for use in the Java Collections Framework and are linked by a common contract, which necessitates that they be overridden together. It is essential to override these methods to efficiently use instances as keys inHashMap or HashSet. A HashMap operates more effectively the "better" the distribution of hashes.

1. If two objects are equal according to the equals method, hey must have the same hashCode (the reverse is not necessarily true - collisions are allowed!).
2. equals must define an equivalence relation
3. Nothing can be equals(null)
4. equals and hashCode must consistently return the same values for the same object on each invocation, even if the object's state has changed. This makes implementations for mutable objects particularly challenging.

By default, equals compares using ==. The situation with the default hashCode is more interesting: it depends on the JVM implementation and may be unexpected. For example, in OpenJDK 7, it is a random number.

Detailed instructions for overriding these methods are described in "Effective Java" Item 9 (more details about the magic number 31 here).