How can you restrict the type of a generic parameter?

In the declaration of a generic parameter for a class or method, you can specify an upper bound:

class Foo<T extends Number>

The keyword extends is used for both classes and interfaces. The actual parameter for such a class Foo can be either Number itself or its subclasses.

Apart from restricting the possible types that can be used, a bounded parameter allows you to use methods and fields of the bound type in the implementation—since it will be at least a superclass of the actual type. This is achieved through type erasure to the upper bound.

A type parameter can have multiple upper bounds, forming a type intersection: <T extends Comparable & Serializable>. Erasure will occur to the first bound, and the others will only serve to restrict the actual type. Therefore, a class bound, if present, must be listed before interface bounds.
When specifying a generic parameter value for a variable, you can use a wildcard ?. A wildcard means that you are not going to use information about the specific type - it can be any type. This is different from not specifying a generic parameter at all.

For wildcards, you can also specify an upper bound, just like when declaring a type parameter. However, unlike declarations, wildcards cannot use type intersections - at least not currently.

Additionally, in the case of wildcards, you can specify a lower bound:

Foo<? super Number> foo;

This means that you won't use information about the specific type, but you will know that it is a superclass of Number - either Number itself or Object.

In class or method declarations, using super is prohibited because it doesn't make sense.

A good API should efficiently handle subclasses, meaning it should be co- or contravariant where necessary. In such cases, bounded wildcards are essential. To remember which bound is needed in different scenarios, Joshua Bloch proposed the mnemonic PECS: Producer-extends, Consumer-super.
How can you restrict the type of a generic parameter?